06 May 2014

Elections 2014

Dear Friends

A reminder to please make use of your democratic right to vote tomorrow, Wednesday 7 May 2014.

Voting is a key responsibility of citizenship, and one that has been hard-won for all citizens in our South African context. Our freedom has been somewhat dented and diminished as good governance has slipped into often corrupt and self-serving hands in more recent times, and the temptation to give in to apathy is always there. I take courage at this time, though, as individuals stand up to denounce the growing evils in our society and governing structures, many by just standing up and doing their duty.

I was struck by the comment of a South African, Lauren, from Port Elizabeth voting last week in Seoul (South Korea), having traveled over two hours from Daegu to get to the polling station: "It was really great to be able to vote towards a better future for my country. I love South Africa and can't wait to return. I felt very proudly South African today."

Let us go out tomorrow to also vote for that better future, and beyond tomorrow let us hold those elected at National and Provincial level accountable to the ideals of service and good governance.

If you have the opportunity, please join us at St Andrew's tomorrow for our Wednesday Morning Eucharist (SAPB) at 09:30, where we will hold the elective process in prayer.


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